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Please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Lori. I am a 50-year old woman who loves men! I have an absolutely beautiful body as you may see in my photos. I stay in good condition. I love the beach! I'm educated and happy, Many of you have probably seen the postings of Cathy and Gina a few years ago. Cathy and Gina taught me a lot about body rubs, although I already had many years of experience under my belt.  


I stand 5' 9" to 5' 10" tall, weigh about 140 pounds, and I have 36DD -- 27 -- 35 measurements. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes, with no tattoos and no body piercings.

I am very down-to-earth: I am unpretentious and I enjoy making others feel at ease. I like to be approachable and want to make people feel at ease around me. I am an excellent conversationalist and can hold my own with most people. Perhaps one of my most important qualities is my love of meeting new friends! My enthusiasm is contagious and you’ll soon join me in a world of excitement and fun. The most important thing I learned from Cathy/Gina: take time to sit on the sofa to really get to know each other before starting a session, then continue to develop a personal, lasting relationship.

I have 43 reviews on TER (TheEroticReview.Com). My TER ID number is 13329. I have very very favorable reviews. My reviews go back many years. . So you will not need to have any nervous hesitation about seeing me. I am the real deal!!


My website provides a comprehensive overview of my services so you will know exactly what to expect when we get together. I ask that you read my entire website before contacting me. My website also contains a description of my rates.

I provide both body rubs and advanced sessions. My sessions are highly structured so you will know exactly what to expect and when to expect it!

The world’s greatest body rub experience is not about sex – it is about making you feel great about yourself! It is about making you feel loved and appreciated. There will be a lot of physical touching, stimulation, arousal, and an orgasm, to be sure, but none of these are memorable! If you want an orgasm, you can give one to yourself quite easily. In fact, most men give themselves one every day. What you can never give yourself is the feeling of love and appreciation. Consider these words that a gentleman recently wrote:


“My name is Riley. I am 38, single and I work in Finance ... or I did until I was laid off. This is a boom and bust town and thankfully I was able to plan and save for this eventuality. Naturally it has increased my stress levels but I remain a laid back guy looking forward not back.

“In the past I visited women due to a lack of confidence and as an outlet from work stress. As I got older and understood myself better I found that the "fun" from these sessions did not give me what I was looking for. They were physical and I found that the lack of emotional and intellectual connection leaving me feeling empty afterward. I have taken over 2 years away but you have triggered something in me.

“The thought that you put into your session design and the effort you took to describe the whats and whys really caught my attention. Your focus on more than the ending is truly refreshing. There are few things more sensual than the hands of a smart and beautiful woman running over my body. Intelligence is incredibly sexy.

“You asked me to describe what I would like our time together to be like ... honestly I quite like how you described your session. I am very open to new experiences and I would like to let things happen naturally rather than try to force something.”


Based on the experiences that many gentlemen have described to me over the years, and in consultation with Cathy/Gina, I have developed a session that is emotionally and intellectually satisfying, as well as physically satisfying of course.


I know what you really want. You want a wonderful body rub and/or escort experience with a beautiful woman who will be attentive, appreciative, understanding, loving. You will never remember the Happy Ending or the Escort Ending – the orgasm; rather, you will remember how I made you feel as a man.

The emotional component is ten times more important than the physical components. John Gray in his book “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus” points out that the number one thing a man wants from a relationship with a woman is to be treated as competent. A wife should say things like, “Honey, you did a brilliant job mowing the grass; you did a fantastic job fixing the washing machine; you were so smart fixing that leak.” A man wants that more than he wants great sex!! You are probably the same!

I am not just in the body rub and escort businesses. I am also in the emotional support business. I am very much like a therapist, a counselor, a psychologist, a psychiatrist; I am with you to listen and to be emotionally supportive.

Our time together will of course involve intimacy, but will really be about much more than that. It will also be about me giving you the attention you want, the time listening to you that you want, the appreciation that you want, and the sensuous touches that you want. I want to make you feel like a million dollars on multiple levels – as a romantic interest, as a friend, and finally as a sex object! Perhaps you will want to reciprocate!

Gentlemen who read my ad are obviously very intelligent – otherwise, they could not get through this many pages!! Also, gentlemen who call me are interested in a lot more than just a quick one-time fling – they are looking for friendship and companionship that will endure.

I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. First, I thought that this would be about one thing and one thing only. After all, I have heard throughout my life that men have only one thing on their minds every minute of every day and night – sex. I have read articles that claim that a man thinks about sex every 10 seconds!!! Of course men do not really think about sex that often. Men think about sex about 10 times a day (compared to 5 times a day for women). I thought this would be a situation where I would open the door and a gentleman would want immediate sexual gratification. Now I know the reality.

The reality is more like this. You are reading this ad because you feel an innate need for female companionship. There is something missing in your life. You may be married, but that special romantic passion is not present any more. Your body is pushing you to find a woman with whom to share that special romantic passion once again. It is a basic male need – as basic as the need for air, water, food, shelter, and clothing. It is present in you every minute of every day. It drives you.

Everything a man does is done to impress a woman so she will be romantically attracted to him. In today’s world, men get an education so they can get great jobs so they can impress the women and get rewarded with the special romantic passion and sex they want. In short, since the beginning of time the main drive in men has been one thing -- sex.

Men don’t need to think about that one thing. It is hormonal. It drives every man every minute of every day. Ultimately, it does involve a male explosion. But I think that a lot more is involved than just that. After all, a man can create his own explosions easily and quickly (and most men do and do often!). There is something more, something “extra”. And that “extra” is the whole point. That “extra” is what drives men to turn to Back Page. It is that “extra” that is everything.

That “extra” has been described in many books over the years. I will try to describe it from my point of view from what I have learned. First, not that you are shallow, but you want a woman who is beautiful in the face, with beautiful large breasts, soft skin, a nice butt and long legs (and other nice equipment). That is natural. We all prefer the attractive to the unattractive, so don’t feel that it is inappropriate to prefer an attractive woman.

Second, you want a woman who appreciates you for who you are. You want to be appreciated for your accomplishments in life. You want to be with a woman who makes you feel special. You want a woman who thinks you are wonderful for who you are and what you have done. This too is natural to men. Women don’t usually feel a need to be appreciated in quite the same way. Men feel a basic need to be treated as being competent in what they do. A man feels very vulnerable when his woman fails to appreciate his competence. You want 100% acceptance and unconditional love.

Third, you want a woman who will pay 100% attention to you when you are together – no interruptions from cell phones, etc. This will become a private universe where no one else exists – just you and me, alone, together.

Fourth, you want your physical needs to be met. You want your muscles massaged. You want your back scratched (and what you don’t know yet is this:  you want your entire body scratched!) You want your skin to be soothed with soft, gentle, loving touches. You want your hands held; you want your face to be lovingly caressed. And like every human being – man and woman – you want to have an explosion. The drive toward that explosion is one of the absolutely most basic drives in all of us. It is why you turned to Back Page.

Fifth, you want a woman with whom you are comfortable. You want a woman with whom you can talk. You want a woman with whom you share a common history, a common background, a common basis of experiences. You want a woman that speaks your language, went to the same kinds of schools as you did, had the same kinds of friends as you had. You want a woman who looks a bit like you and who thinks a bit like you. You want a woman who reacts to the news of the day the same way that you respond. You want a mature woman more or less in your own age range! Someone who understands the ups and down of getting older! I am 50 years old. I am not a 20-year old girl who has no clue of what lies ahead in life.

Sixth, you want that magical spark of romance and intrigue. We all want it. We all remember forever our first love. We would all like to be able to recreate that once-in-a-lifetime feeling we had then. We all know that a large part of the excitement is the initial conquest. We certainly all know that it is hard to keep that excitement alive in a marriage over the course of years. (And we all know that the easiest way to find it again is to start a new relationship.)

No man can ever give himself an orgasm as good as a woman gives him because all those “extra” things are missing. No human being can ever tickle himself / herself. It just simply cannot be done by anyone, ever. In contrast, every human being can create an explosion for himself/herself. But not as good as one created by a beautiful woman!!

When you visit me, we should each be filled with an expectant attitude that today is going to be one of the best days ever! If you are romantic, perhaps you will have some flowers or a box of chocolates! When the door opens and we see each other for the first time, let it be magical.

Of course, I know that you will probably have some nervousness. You are meeting someone new for the first time ever and you do not know what to expect. You do not know whether all will be as it is stated. I have the same apprehension about you!

Let’s start off the same way any dating couple would start off – by sitting on the sofa, conversing for a while. Let’s get to know each other a little. As we become acquainted, perhaps we will begin to explore a little. Let the fun begin!”

I know that the body rub portion of our session must be the highest quality service available. In the 1950’s, the words “Made in Japan” meant that it was cheaply made junk that would break after the first use. But Edward Deeming told the Japanese to change their paradigm, to make only the highest quality products that could be made. As a result, the words “Made in Japan” today mean the highest quality products that can be found! I have the same attitude!!

My body rub session works like this: I will meet you at the door, greet you with a hug and kiss, then sit on the sofa and talk for a few minutes. Then I will invite you to the massage table, ask you to place the “donation” on the countertop, ask you to get comfortable (meaning: undress completely), and lie down on the table facing up (the exact opposite of most massages, which start with you on your stomach -- a very uncomfortable position!).

My session is timed to the minute! I watch the clocks carefully so I know where I should be every minute. Have you ever watched a football or basketball game? The clock is a huge, huge factor in those sports. In football, the center must hike the football to the quarterback within 25 seconds; if he is just 1 second late, a penalty is assessed. In basketball, the team must make a shot at the basket within 24 seconds; if the team is just 1 second late, the ball is taken away and given to the opposing team. I am a bit like that: I watch the seconds go by so I know when to move from one part to the next part.


That’s me! Now let’s talk about you. You are on Backpage because you want something special. You want a body rub. You need to be discreet. You need to be safe. You want a beautiful young woman who has no issues – no alcohol issues, no drug issues, no medical issues, no mental health issues, etc!!

You have so many choices that it should be easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for!! I am writing this description of me to help you decide if I am the right match for you. As I look through all the ads, I am trying to think of how to describe how I fit in and what I am like and what I offer.

I know that there are tons and tons of options available to you. Literally dozens of websites and hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful ladies from which to choose. I also know that the decision of whether to select a service provider who only provides body rubs and no escort services or whether to select a service provider who provides only escort services or whether to select a service provider who provides both body rub services and escort services is a difficult choice you must make. There are many considerations. You may think that seeing a provider for a body rub with no escort services – like me – is better because you feel there is less risk of disease or because you feel you are not cheating. You may think that seeing a provider for escort services only is better because there is less emotional connection than with a body rub – less touching, less foreplay, just a quick roll in the sack, over and done in no time.

My reasoning is very complex. My reasoning is based on the answer to the basic question: why are you coming to visit a service provider? You have probably asked yourself this same question. But you are only one man. You think you know the answer in your own mind: you and your wife have lost intimacy, your wife hit menopause and gave up on romance and passion, you and your wife “grew apart”, your wife lost her great figure and great beauty and is no longer as attractive as she once was, you want sex but your wife doesn’t, your wife doesn’t understand you, your wife has become a bitch, your wife won’t rub your back and tease you seductively the way your body needs in order to overcome ED issues, etc., etc., etc.!!

And so, based on your own particular interpretation of your “issue”, you think that you need the tender, loving touch of a beautiful woman (a body rub) or you think you need the full experience, the complete home run (the escort services). No doubt you have thought about this for a long, long, long time. This was not something that entered your mind for the first time today. It has been in the back of your mind for a long time, and it has been in the front of your mind for a while too. Perhaps you have even discussed this issue with a buddy or two. Perhaps they are in the same situation. Perhaps they told you about Backpage.

How many opinions have you heard on this issue? Your own, to be sure. Perhaps the opinion of a buddy or two. Maybe even a therapist. Maybe a book or an article, perhaps several. I do not want to say that I am the world’s foremost authority on this issue, but I do want to say that during the last few years I have heard literally hundreds of opinions on this issue. And I want to say that just about all the reasons I have heard, and this will probably include yours, are completely wrong.

You are not coming to see me because you need a physical release. You can do that yourself, and you probably do and probably often. You are not coming because you need sex. You could get that from your wife for a little asking, or if needed you could get that for a very, very low donation ($60!) from many providers, over and done in just 10 minutes.

What you want is something more than mere touching or quick sex. You want the loving adoration of a beautiful woman with an incredible body and a brilliant mind! You want a woman who will listen to you when you talk about the successes you have had in life; you want a woman who will listen to you when you talk about your day. You want a woman who will understand you. You want a woman who is mysterious, unknown, new. You want a new conquest.

Have you ever been around an old soldier and his wife when someone new enters the room? The old soldier begins to tell his story about landing on Normandy Beach during D-Day. His wife rolls her eyes and says, “Not that story again for the millionth time!” and leaves the room. The visitor listens enthralled. The visitor has never heard that story from anyone who landed on that Beach and listens with rapt attention. I’m willing to bet that your wife is a bit like that – she does not want to hear your stories, she does not want to hear about your day! And if I’m right, you probably don’t want to hear about hers either. That old soldier is not looking for a breast or a vagina: he is looking for an ear!!!! A loving, supportive, interested ear.

Do you remember your first conquest? It was thrilling and exciting, wasn’t it? The hunt, the chase are great fun. But after 10, 20, 30, 40 years, the thrill is gone. The honeymoon is long over. You miss it. You would love to have it back. But you know your limits. You know your consequences. You know that you would completely alter your life, basically ruin your life, by having an affair. So you have ruled out that route. You have decided upon a less risky course of action. You want to get what you want, what you are missing, but you do not want to give up everything you have to get it!

I have often heard, “I have a wonderful wife. We still love each other very much. I don’t want to get divorced, I don’t want to hurt her”, etc. I have even heard, “This was my wife’s idea. She wants me to visit girls and have my fun but just leave her alone.”

So you turned to Backpage, thinking that having a beautiful woman give you a body rub with a nice release at the end would satisfy your needs, only to be terribly disappointed. Perhaps you visited a woman who offered escort services, thinking that would replace your wife as she existed in the early years of your marriage. But you were out the door in ten minutes and felt cheated, despite having your way with her. You even felt demeaned, belittled.

You have probably felt cheated every time you visited a woman. You felt cheated because you did not get what you wanted! Here is the surprise: you did not get what you really wanted because you did not know what you really wanted. Since you did not know what you really wanted, you did not ask for it. You did not know how to get what you really wanted. You could not verbalize it to yourself, let alone to a woman you had never met before.

You thought you really wanted the touch of a beautiful woman or you thought you wanted sex with a beautiful woman. YOU WERE WRONG. You wanted much more than either of those two things. I’ll say what you really want: “You want the loving adoration of a beautiful woman with an incredible body and a brilliant mind!”

Let’s consider some of the bad experiences I have heard about, the horror stories of Backpage visits. Perhaps you have some you’d like to share. Many clients have told me about visiting absolutely gorgeous body rub providers but they left unhappy because the providers were emotionally cold, they gave “mechanical” body rubs. Their hands touched in all the right ways and all the right places, but they were like having a robot give a body rub – no human emotion, no human intimacy. Other clients have told me about visiting absolutely gorgeous escort providers but they left unhappy because the providers were emotionally cold, they did not enjoy themselves; they only wanted the man to have an orgasm as quickly as possible and kick him out the door moments later (no afterglow, no winding down). In some cases, the provider was stiff as a board and looked up at the ceiling and said, “Tell me when you’re done.” If you do not have a horror story to tell, you are a lucky man!

What is the common denominator of bad sessions: the woman lacked emotion. She lacked love. She was a robot. She just wanted the session to be over as quickly as possible. She had no interest whatsoever in you as a man; she only wanted your wallet. She did not want to hear your stories, about your successes, your life, your day. And she did not want to tell you anything about herself. She was with you for a very limited time for a very limited purpose. Give you an orgasm, collect a donation, and kick you out the door. You left with a big hole in your heart. You felt cheated, not because you were not touched, not because you did not have your way, but because you did not feel loved. When you left, you did not feel good about yourself. The visit was not an emotionally uplifting experience.

If you do not understand your real motivations in turning to Backpage to look for a service provider, then it is unlikely you will ever be satisfied! You will not get what you really want because you do not know what you really want, and therefore do not seek what you really want and do not ask for what you really want.

Mere physical touching and physical pleasures are not what is really the most satisfying to a man. It takes a lot more. It takes an emotional connection. You don’t want a cold, emotionless “session” with someone who is “doing a job”! You want someone who is emotionally invested in you – someone who wants to share things about your life and what you do, your triumphs and successes. You want a lady who will listen to you! And you want to learn about her in return.

If you feel as I feel about this issue, then we will be a good match. If you only want a touch, devoid of emotion, then we will not be a good match. If you only want a quick release, devoid of emotion, then we will not be a good match.

But if you want to be touched by loving hands and to touch me in return with loving hands, if you want to be satisfied in those loving ways with a passionate, loving woman, then we will be a great match indeed. I am looking for an emotionally satisfying experience that will develop a lasting bond between us. I am not looking for a slam-dam-thank-you ma’am, meaningless one-time experience. I want to be your permanent temporary girlfriend!

I would like to say that I believe in getting together for extended periods of time. Let’s be real – this will not be the first time you have ever conquered a lady, nor the first time I have been conquered! But I want this to be just as memorable for you and for me as that first time! Remember the song that has the lyric “It feels like the first time”? The writer of that song hit the nail on the head – there is never a time that we are more likely to remember than that first time.

Can you remember the times when getting together with a woman lasted 2 to 3 hours? Do you remember the anticipation, the slow gentle exploration of each other’s body, the spine-tingling excitement? Isn’t the teasing foreplay 99% of the fun? Yes, I know that most service providers -- body rub girls and escort girls -- want you to be gone within minutes of the time you arrive. Many gentlemen have explained those types of sessions to me. I almost feel as though I could write a book on them because I have heard them described to me so many times. And there is definitely a time and a place for them!! But that is not what I offer here. What I offer is one thing and one thing only – a recreation of the “FIRST TIME”!

I want all the gentle exploration. I want all the anticipation, all the excitement, all the passion, all the sensuous pleasure that long sessions provide. If you are in a rush because you need to get to the airport or get home or get back to the office, then I will not be the right gal for you!

It is pretty likely that you have spent time with more than one woman during the course of your life. Can you remember what made for the best episodes ever? What happened? What did you love the most? If you could waive a magic wand and make for a great, great episode, what elements would you want? What would happen? If you can just ask yourself those questions, let alone answer them, then I am probably a GREAT match for you!



Above I wrote this line:

"You want the loving adoration of a beautiful woman with an incredible body and a brilliant mind!” 

In addition to that. I have found that very often another thing that you probably want is the ability to show that woman -- me -- your adoration as well. Mutual sharing appreciation is part of the whole experience that you desire. You want to please me as much as you want me to please you! You want to touch and you want to explore. And of course, being visual, you want to see. I understand all that and I provide all that!!

But maybe I am wrong on this; maybe you don’t want to please me. Maybe you want all the attention to be on you. That is fine too!!


I provide three separate types of body rubs, all in one session: near-therapeutic (60 minutes for a session that lasts for two hours); dermal stimulation (20 minutes for a two hour session), and epidermal stimulation (20 minutes for a two hour session). That leaves 20 minutes for the ending (happy ending or escort ending).

During these three sessions, I add three teases: a strip tease, a nipple tease, and a genital tease. These are fully described below.


The First Session, the Therapeutic Session, is designed to relax the muscles of the body – ALL the muscles of the body.

The Second Session, the Scratching Session, is designed to stimulate the middle layer of the skin – ALL the skin of the body.

The Third Session, the Fingertip Session – is designed to soothe and calm the outer layer of the skin – ALL the skin of the body.


Let me briefly describe each of the three body rub types. The first body rub is a near-therapeutic body rub. I cannot call that a massage because I am not licensed yet. Only a licensed professional can provide a true therapeutic massage! And Backpage has a special place for those licensed professionals to advertise. I imitate the style of those professionals. I imitate their techniques -- kneading, rolling, etc. But I provide body rubs, not massages.


I use light tissue body rubs instead of deep tissue body rubs. Why do I use light tissue instead of deep tissue? First, I do so because human bodies prefer light tissue over deep tissue. You are probably an older (45 to 75) professional gentleman who is either retired or working in executive positions. You likely do not have sore muscles that need to be relaxed. You probably have the same exact stress on your body that your secretary has – stress from being at a desk in front of a computer all day. You are probably not a blue-collar worker like a carpenter or roofer. You probably are not a sports athlete. A deep-tissue body rub leaves most human bodies sore for one or two days, yet provides little to no actual sensuous pleasure – that is, a deep-tissue body rub does not please the sense of touch. .


You likely crave human touch. You likely prefer soft, sensuous touches over firm kneading.  Many professional, licensed spas deliver extremely deep tissue massages that often leave clients sore for one or two days afterward. My clients hate that! My clients prefer soft, loving, gentle touches. (And often lotion takes away the intimate feeling of skin on skin touches, so I use very, very little lotion.)


Second, a deep-tissue body rub is hard on a provider’s hands, and causes them to be more concerned with their own pain than with your comfort. Many such providers develop carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and other work-related injuries over time. My session is easy on my hands! I go from light tissue to an even lighter scratching session to a super light fingertip session. I will be just about as relaxed during our time together as you, so I am able to focus my attention solely on you.


Because I use a light touch for the light-tissue near-therapeutic body rub, I usually find I do not need any lotion at all. Certainly I can never use any on your neck/head/face. Likely, you do not have any sore muscles in your arms, and thus I probably will not need to use any lotion on your arms/hands/fingers. This is true of your legs/feet/toes as well. That means that the only place where I will be tempted to use any lotion is on your back and buttocks. You can feel the softness of my skin, and I can feel yours.


Where do I start my body rub?


Most professionals have a system. That system is pretty much the same for all  professionals, with individual variations and nuances. Professionals divide the human body into sections. The most common division is six parts as follows: 1. neck/head/face; 2. right arm/hand/fingers; 3. left arm/hand/fingers; 4. right leg/foot/toes; 5. left leg/foot/toes; 6. back and buttocks. As each division is completed, the massage therapist "summarizes" that division. For a proper 60-minute session, each division receives 10 minutes of attention (9 minutes of massage attention followed by a 1-minute summary).


I follow that system. Like most professionals, I divide the neck/head/face division into distinct subparts: lower neck muscles, upper neck muscles, scalp, temples, forehead, bridge connection, jaw muscles, chin muscles, lip muscles. I start a session with you lying on the table with your face toward the ceiling. I stand at the head of the table and start by relaxing your shoulders and upper back muscles (2 minutes). Then I do a “scalp body rub” using two different techniques. First, I use the heels of my open palms to rock your scalp back and forth slowly, while allowing my fingers to slide up and down over your ears. I do this for a reason: it is a foreshadowing that I will be touching areas of your body that no one has ever touched before!

Second, I use firm fingertips to firmly caress your scalp. I’ll ask which of the two methods you prefer, and then use that method (2 minutes). Then I move on to the forehead, using the same type of open palm body rub to rock your forehead back and forth slowly. From there, I move on to your temples, starting with the heels of my hands and then switching to my thumbs.

Now the face body rub starts in earnest. I move on to your jaw muscles – which are the strongest human muscle as measured by weight. Then the chin and lip muscles. I will then use two index fingertips to relax the pressure points at the bridge of your nose and the base of each of your ears. I will gently rub your ears! (5 minutes for a full face body rub.)

I will conclude that first division with a 1-minute summary! I will repeat briefly all the steps in the same sequence as originally executed. Now, 10 minutes have elapsed and the first division is finished.

Then it is time to begin the second division – your left arm/hand/fingers. When moving from one division to another I will make sure I keep at least one hand, and preferably two hands, on your body at all times. I will either glide them over your body from one division to the next, or I will lift them one at a time, letting the first one land before lifting the second one. This is called CONTINUITY.


Experts divide the arm/hand/fingers section into two upper arm muscle groups (mostly the biceps and triceps), the forearm muscle groups, and the various hand and finger muscle groups. I will start with your shoulders, stretch out your arms, and work downward toward your hands – upper arm muscles (2 minutes), followed by your lower arm muscles (2 minutes). Then I will go to your hand rub.


To start with the hand rub, I will stretch out your hand from the back side of the hand and then separately from the palm side of the hand. I will treat your hand like pizza dough! After I stretch out the hand from both sides, I will go to the fingers. I’ll start with the thumb (stretch and twist 3 times), then the index finger (stretch and twist 3 times), then the middle finger (stretch and twist 3 times), then the ring finger (stretch and twist 3 times), then the pinky finger (stretch and twist 3 times).  I will always hold your hand in one of my hands, and use my other hand to execute the finger massages. Holding your hand in my hand feels so nice!!.


Next I have a very special treat for your hand – an interlocking-finger, open-palm massage. I will literally use all 10 of my digits to intertwine your 5 digits, and use my thumbs to “massage” the pads of your thumb and four fingers and then your palm.


To execute the interlocking finger treatment, I keep my two thumbs free for use in the treatment, place my two index fingers on the outside of your digits (one outside your thumb, the other outside your pinky finger). It will look like this. On my right hand (since I will start on your left hand, with your left hand palm up and my two palms up), my  right thumb will be free, my right index finger will be on the outside of your thumb, my right middle finger and ring finger will fill the interspace between your thumb and your index finger, my right pinky finger will fill the interspace between your index finger and your middle finger, my left pinky finger will fill the interspace between your middle finger and your ring finger, my left ring and middle finger will fill the interspace between your ring ringer and your pinky finger, and my left index finger will be outside your pinky finger.


You probably do not know just how pleasurable the sensation of having the areas of the skin on the sides of your fingers actually is until you experience that pleasure for the first time! Probably no one ever touches that area of your body – not even your significant other. The only time in our lives when another human touches us there is when we are holding hands with fingers intertwined – a rare event - and one associated with great romantic pleasure.


I will now use my two thumbs to treat the pads of your palm and then your entire palm.

I will finish the hand rub by using one of my index fingers to rub the ligaments of the hand (upward). I have now spent a total of 5 minutes on your left hand and fingers. I will do a 1-minute summary. I will review briefly the shoulder, upper arm, lower arm, hand and finger treatments that I have been through (10 minutes).

Then I will repeat the same process for the other arm/hand/fingers division. When switching from the second division (left arm/hand/fingers) to the third division (right arm/hand/fingers), I will be sure I keep at least one hand, and preferably two hands, on your body at all times. I will either glide them over your body from one division to the next, or I will lift them one at a time, letting the first one land before lifting the second one. (CONTINUITY)


The third division will be a mirror image of the second division. And I will follow the exact same process that I followed for the first! PREDICTABILITY. You will know exactly what to expect! (10 minutes)

When I move on to the fourth division – your left leg/foot/toes (maintaining CONTINUITY) – you can almost predict what to expect: a sequence very similar to the second and third divisions (PREDICTABILITY). In other words, I will do your legs/feet/toes just like I did your arms/hands/fingers.

Experts divide the leg/foot/toes section into two upper leg muscle groups (those in the front of the leg, those in the back of the leg), the lower leg muscles, and the various foot and toe muscle groups. I will start by stretching out your leg, and work downward toward your foot – upper leg muscles (2 minutes), followed by your  lower leg muscles (2 minutes). Then I’ll go to the foot massage (which will take 5 minutes).


I want to do each foot in a manner similar to the way I did each hand (PREDICTABILITY). For the hand, I had one special treat – the interlocking-finger, open-palm massage. For the foot, I have three very special treats – 1. the six twisted pretzel steps; 2. a treatment of the four interspaces of the toes (I cannot interlock my 10 digits, so I use only my index finger, one interspace at a time); 3.  hot towel compresses before and after. 


Before I start the foot treatment, we – you and I – have a decision to make. Should I use the hot towel compress system on the foot or should I skip it? This system takes about 10 minutes per foot. If I am doing a 2-hour massage, the first session (the near-therapeutic session) takes one hour, leaving just one hour for the second  session (the scratching session) and the third session (the fingertip session). If I use the hot towel compress system on each foot, I  will use 10 minutes of time per foot, or 20 minutes total. That would leave just 40 minutes for the second and third sessions, instead of 60 minutes. A hot towel compress of the foot is a great luxury. It is something that can never be forgotten.


Here is why I think a hot towel compress is a good way to start the foot rub. The foot bears all the weight of the entire body, and thus bears the greatest level of stress. To help relax your foot most effectively, I like to start with a hot towel compress. The moist heat will help your body to relax your foot muscles most effectively. I also use the hot towel compress to wash your foot! So I wrap the hot, wet towel around your entire foot, then gently twist my hands in an opposing way to clean the foot, then clean between the toes. The heat will help your body to relax the foot muscles. Then I will remove the hot towel compress and begin the massage of your foot. Now I have a warm, moist, relaxed foot to work on.


Once you and I have decided whether or not to use the hot towel compress system, I will start the treatment of your foot. To start your foot massage, I stretch out your  foot from the top side of your foot and then separately from the bottom side of your foot. I will treat your foot like pizza dough, just like I did your hands!


After I stretch out your foot from both sides, I will go to your toes. I’ll start with the big toe (stretch and twist 3 times), then the “index toe” (stretch and twist 3 times), then the “middle toe” (stretch and twist 3 times), then the “ring toe” (stretch and twist 3 times), then the “pinky toe” (stretch and twist 3 times). I will always hold your foot in one of my hands, and use my other hand to execute the toe treatments. Holding your foot in my hand is a nice feeling.


Here is how I do the second very special treat for your foot – the six twisted pretzel steps.

I will use 6 separate techniques to treat each foot. I call these the six twisted pretzels. I will announce each of the six separate techniques to you as I do them and ask you which of the six is the most enjoyable. Then I’ll use that technique.


I will say, “Here is the first way. I am placing my two thumbs on the same side of your foot with one thumb on your upper arch and one thumb on your lower arch and twisting back and forth, keeping firm pressure on each hand.”


I will do that for a few seconds, and then I will say, “Here is the second way. I am placing my two thumbs on the same side of your foot with one thumb on your upper arch and one thumb on your lower arch and twisting back and forth, without pressure, letting each hand slide across your foot.”

I will do that for a few seconds, and then I will say, “Here is the third way. I am placing my two thumbs on opposing sides of your foot with one thumb on your upper arch pointed one way and with the other thumb on your lower arch pointed the other way, and twisting back and forth, keeping firm pressure on each hand.”


I will do that for a few seconds, and then I will say: “Here is the fourth way. I am placing my two thumbs on opposing sides of your foot with one thumb on your upper arch pointed one way and with the other thumb on your lower arch pointed the other way, without pressure, letting each hand slide across your foot.”

I will do that for a few seconds, and then I will say, “Here is the fifth way. I am going to use my knuckles to stimulate your upper arch and move slowly to your lower arch.”


I will do that for a few seconds, and then I will say, “Here is the sixth way. I am going to use the heel of my hand to stimulate your upper arch and move slowly to your lower arch.”


Then I will ask, “Which of those six methods do you like the best: Number 1, with thumbs on the same side, with firm pressure twisting back and forth; Number 2, with thumbs on the same side, with no pressure, gliding back and forth; Number 3, with thumbs on opposing sides, with firm pressure twisting back and forth; Number 4, with thumbs on opposing sides, with no pressure, gliding back and forth; Number 5, with knuckles; or, Number 6, with the heels of my palms.”

There is no right or wrong answer: I will just go with what you like best!

After I use the six twisted pretzel techniques, I will rub the inter-spaces between your toes. I use just one index finger for this. The sensation of having the areas of skin on the sides of your toes touched is an exquisite pleasure few will ever forget! Yes, I will use one of my index fingers to lovingly caress the inter-spaces of your toes one by one (not multiple interlocking like the fingers between there just isn’t enough room!).


I will start with the interspace between your big toe and your “index toe” with my index finger approaching from the bottom side of your foot; I will roll my index finger back and forth in the interspace, then push down on the top of the interspace and glide toward your ankle. I will repeat for the other 3 interspaces in proper order. You probably do not know just how pleasurable the sensation of having the areas of skin on the sides of your toes actually is until you experience that pleasure for the first time! Probably no one has ever touched that area of your body – not even your significant other – ever!


(2 minutes for upper leg muscles, 2 minutes for lower leg muscles, 5 minutes for the feet/toes, and a 1-minute summary; total of 10 minutes. Add 10 minutes to that if I do the before and after hot towel compresses). Sometimes I do the upper and lower leg muscles of both legs so that I can do both feet one right after the other.

After I do the rub portion of each foot, I once again apply a hot towel compress to that foot. Then I do another fun thing: as I remove the hot wet towel by pulling it off, I replace it inch by inch with a hot dry towel. I heat the dry towel as it replaces the wet towel with a hair dryer! And once in a while, I run the hair dryer up and down your body to warm you up! It feels heavenly. And probably no one has ever used a hair dryer to go over your whole body before!

Have you ever had a hot towel compress applied to your feet in your whole life? It is an exquisite pleasure. The hair dryer treatment: an amazing and wonderful feeling. Waving the blow dryer over your entire body is an additional special treat.


I have now finished the fourth division – your left leg/foot/toes, and now I am ready to move onto the fifth division – your right leg/foot/toes. Of course, I will maintain CONTINUITY. And you should be able to precisely predict what to expect: an exact mirror image of what I did to the fourth division – your left leg/foot/toes (PREDICTABILITY). (Total of 10 minutes. Add 10 minutes to that if I do the before and after hot towel compresses.)


And now we move on to the sixth and final division (maintaining CONTINUITY). The back consists of the upper back, the middle back, and the lower back. Let's not ignore the butt; that is where the most powerful muscles of the body – the upper leg muscles – connect to the main pelvic bone. That area is always knotted and needs attention.  I rub both sides at the same time, using both of my hands. I will use three different techniques: thumbs only; knuckles; heels of my palms. I will ask which technique you like the most, then I will use that technique.


And then the rest of the muscle groups found there need attention. Every human being on the face of the planet loves a great butt massage!! (You have probably predicted this: 2 minutes on the upper back, 2 minutes on the lower back, 2 minutes on the legs, 2 minutes on the butt, and a 2-minute summary.)

Not counting the separate identities of each finger and each toe, there are some 20 separate areas to address, plus the 6 summaries. Add the fingers and toes and there are really 40 separate areas. True professionals hate to conduct a session in less than a full hour because each area barely receives a minute of attention.


2 minutes on the upper neck muscles,
2 minutes on the scalp,
5 minutes on the face,
1 minute to “summarize” that portion session. (10 minutes elapsed)

2 minutes on the upper left arm,
2 minutes on the lower left arm,
5 minutes on the left hand,
1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 20 minutes)

2 minutes on the upper right arm,
2 minutes on the lower right arm,
5 minutes on the right hand,
1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 30 minutes)

2 minutes on the upper left leg,
2 minutes on the lower left leg,
5 minutes on the left foot,
1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 40 minutes)

2 minutes on the upper right leg,
2 minutes on the lower right leg,
5 minutes on the right foot,
1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 50 minutes)

2 minutes on the upper back,
2 minutes on the lower back,
2 minutes on the legs,
3 minutes on the upper leg muscle connections and the butt muscles,
1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 60 minutes)

Every part of your body wants different levels of pressure, I must ask you questions! That requires an exchange of information. If you really want the restaurant to prepare your meal the exact way you want it prepared, you will need to exchange that information with the server. They cannot guess what you want and they do not have any special ESP powers. It is the same between you and I: an exchange of information is the best way to get the body rub pressures you want.



After that near-therapeutic, muscle-relaxing body rub, let's move on to the dermal stimulation body rub. This session is designed to stimulate the middle layer of skin. That is much easier to do than it might sound! And in fact you have done it to yourself every day of your life, and your significant other has probably done that for you a few times as well. It is as simple as a scratch. But try to convince her to scratch your body all over – 100% – and you'll find it an unlikely scenario.


But that is exactly what I do. In this 2nd type of body rub, I go back over all 6 divisions, all 20 subparts, all 40 sub-subparts, once again – with a gentle scratching technique. A scratching session of the whole body is one of life’s grandest pleasures.

Please allow me to describe in detail how I perform my Scratching Session.

You should already be lying on the table face down, back up. This is because we started the Near-Therapeutic Session with you on your back for the first 50 minutes, then flipped you face down for the last 10 minutes. So I will start our Scratching Session with you face down, back up.


Remember, this is a gentle scratch – no marks!! If you want more pressure on certain areas, just ask for more pressure (i.e., just say “scratch harder, please!”). I will not leave any physical marks – just emotional traces!!!!


I will start Session 2 by scratching your scalp. All of us humans are just like dogs in this respect: the love of having our heads scratched! After that, I will move on to a great back scratch. I use two techniques to scratch your back: the Straight Line Technique and the Mow-the-Lawn Technique. I will let you tell me which Technique you prefer. And I use four different sets of scratches: ten fingernails, five fingernails, two fingernails (two index fingernails), and one fingernail (one index fingernail).

I will start with the Straight Line Technique. To begin, I will softly place all ten of my fingernails on that point of your neck where your hairline ends. I will slowly bring all ten of my fingernails straight down the center of your back – over your spinal column, which I did not touch during our Near-Therapeutic Session – all the way to the bottom of your back and top of your butt. Then I will lift my right hand up and move it back to your neck, but about two inches over toward the right side of your body. Then I will lift my left hand up and move it back to your neck, but about two inches over toward the left side of your body. I do not lift both hands off at the same time because I do not want to break the CONTINUITY!!

I will once again slowly bring all ten of my fingernails straight down your back – but now I am about two inches away from each side of your spinal column – all the way to the bottom of your back, top of your butt. Then I will lift my right hand up and move it back to your neck, but about two inches over toward the right side of your body. Then I will lift my left hand up and move it back to your neck, but about two inches over toward the left side of your body. I do not lift both hands off at the same time because I do not want to break the continuity!!

I will once again slowly bring all ten of my fingernails straight down your back – but now I am about four inches away from each side of your spinal column – all the way to the bottom of your back, top of your butt. Then I will lift my right hand up and move it back to your neck, but about four inches over toward the right side of your body. Then I will lift my left hand up and move it back to your neck, but about two inches over toward the left side of your body. I do not lift both hands off at the same time because I do not want to break the continuity!!

I will follow this process until I have scratched as far to your sides as possible – down to the table!! That is just one trip down the back. Now I will use a second technique to scratch your back, and then I’ll ask you which technique you like better.

The second technique, the Mow-The-Lawn Technique, is very similar to the first technique, the Straight Line Technique, but it eliminates the problem of breaking continuity. In this technique, my ten fingernails remain on your back the entire time.

I will softly place all ten of my fingernails on that point of your neck where your hairline ends. I will slowly bring all ten of my fingernails straight down the center of your back – over your spinal column, which I did not touch during our Near-Therapeutic Session – all the way to the bottom of your back, top of your butt. Then I will move my ten fingernails outward – five to the right and five to the left, of course – as far out as they can go, which probably is the point where your sides meet the table! Then I will bring all ten of my fingernails straight upwards until I reach your shoulder. Then I will move all my ten fingernails inward toward the center of your neck, until I reach a point about two inches from your spinal column. This process is just like mowing the lawn!!

Now I will once again slowly bring all ten of my fingernails straight down your back – but now I am about 2 inches away from each side of your spinal column – all the way to the bottom of your back, top of your butt. From there, I will continue to “mow your back” until your back has been completely mowed. Who knew mowing could be such a thrill?

Now I have made one pass using Technique 1 (Straight Line) and one pass using Technique 2 (Mow-The-Lawn). I’ll ask you which one you liked better. Then I’ll repeat that process several more times. I will change sets – first using 10 fingernails, then using 5 fingernails from 1 hand, then using 2 index fingernails, then using just 1 index fingernail.

After that, I’ll expand the range of my scratching – this time going all the way from the neck to the ends of your toes! I will use whichever technique you liked for just the back. Then I’ll repeat that process several more times. And with 10, 5, 2, then 1 fingernails.


Then I will reduce the range of my scratching – this time going from the top of your butt to the ends of your toes. Then I will further reduce the range of my scratching – this time going from the back of your knees to the ends of your toes. Then I will further reduce the range of my scratching – this time going just from your heel to the ends of your toes.  And I will go through the 10-5-2-1 system.


Then I will do the back sides of your arms – going from your shoulders to your fingertips using 10 fingernails, then 5 fingernails, then 2 fingernails, then 1 fingernail. And I will keep reducing the range of my scratching – back of elbows to fingertips, then wrists to fingertips.  And with each I may go through the 10-5-2-1 system.


After that, it will be time to flip onto your back so I can repeat this for the front side of your body!! I am going to do something to you that no one has ever done before – I am going to scratch every cell of your face – except your eyelids!! I would say “every square inch of your face” but your face is not square, it is round. Again, this is a light, gentle scratch – no marks! You have no idea how wonderful it feels to have your face scratched – but now you will know it is something you will want to have on a regular basis! Even your ears will receive my tender loving attention!


Then I will scratch your front side in the same manner as I scratched your back side – starting with Technique 1 (Straight Line Technique) from neck to waist once, then with Technique 2 (Mow-The-Lawn Technique) from neck to waist once, then two or three times using your preferred technique, then two or three times using your preferred technique from neck to feet. And I will vary from 10 fingernails to 5 fingernails to 2 fingernails to 1 fingernail. Then, as with the back side, I will reduce the range – waist to the ends of your toes, then knees to the ends of your toes, then ankles to the ends of your toes. And I will use the 10-5-2-1 system for each reduction.


Then I will do your arms. Needless to say, I will follow pretty much the same pattern for the arms – starting at your neck and coming down to your fingertips. However, I will now add a new twist: after the first pass at mowing the arms/hands, I’ll switch over from using ten fingernails to using just five fingernails, then two fingernails (two index fingernails), then one fingernail (the index fingernail of one of my hands) – from the neck all the way down to the end of your thumb. Then I’ll ask whether you prefer the feeling of all ten of my fingernails, five fingernails, two fingernails, or just one of my fingernails. Once I know whether your prefer ten, five, two or one, I’ll repeat the process a few times on each of your arms/hands. And I will reduce the range – elbow to fingertips, wrists to fingertips. And I will use the 10-5-2-1 system for each reduction.


And from here, I will be ready to start Session Three.



Now the Second Session, the Scratching Session, has ended. It is time to begin the Third Session – the Fingertip Session. The Third Session, the Fingertip Session,  is designed to soothe and calm the outer layer of the skin (the epidermis). During this session, I will use just my soft fingertips using very, very light touches. It feels as gentle as the sensation of a single feather gently moving across your skin. It feels heavenly. For many parts of your body, this will feel like tickling! For those areas, we will either apply more pressure to eliminate that tickling sensation or we will skip over those areas!

You should already be lying on the table face up. We ended the Second Session, the Scratching Session, with your feet. We will begin the Third Session, the Fingertip Session, with your face! So I will need to wash my hands at this point. Has anyone ever lovingly caressed your face? If so, you know that a gentle touching of the face says “I Love You” more effectively than words can ever communicate!

You came to me for a body rub, a physical touching to relax your muscles and provide pleasure to your skin. Yet in reality a mere physical touching is not quite enough if it is not done in a caring, loving manner. A robot can touch you, but you will never feel emotionally satisfied. Only a human can touch you in a caring, loving manner that satisfies you emotionally. And only a woman who is genuinely interested in you can satisfy you emotionally as well as physically.


No part of the body – NO PART – says “I Love You” as much as the face. However, you can’t tell if someone loves you just by looking at their face. They may be beautiful, they may be smiling, but to really know, it takes more than a look. It takes a touch. If you want to know how love feels, it’s in the touching of your face. I am going to touch your face in a way that effectively says “I Love You” and makes you feel emotionally satisfied!! If you want to know how love feels, it’s in my touching of your face.


After I lovingly caress your face, first with all ten fingertips, then with just five fingertips, then with just two index fingertips, then with just one index fingertip, it will be time to move on to the rest of your body. Let’s start at your neck and then move on to your waist. We’ll use the same kind of techniques that we used for the scratching – ten fingertips in straight lines (Technique 1) and then ten fingertips in a lawn-mowing fashion (Technique 2). Once you tell me your preference, we’ll repeat that process two or three times.

After that, I’ll expand the range of my gentle touching – this time going all the way from your neck to the ends of your toes!! I will use whichever technique you liked for just the chest area. Then I’ll repeat that process two or three more times. Then I switch sets. I will repeat the neck-to-toes process using five fingertips from one hand, then again using two index fingertips, then again using one index fingertip. I will ask which you like the best and use that.  And then I will reduce the range of my touches – waist to ends of your toes, knees to ends of your toes, ankles to ends of your toes. And I will use the 10-5-2-1 system with each reduction.


After that, it will be time for the arms. Needless to say, I will follow pretty much the same pattern for the arms – starting at the neck and coming down to ends of your fingertips. Then I will use the 10-5-2-1 system. And then I will use the same reducing systems that I used in Session 2: elbows to fingertips, wrists to fingertips. And I will use the 10-5-2-1 system with each reduction.


Now it is time to roll over yet again. Now the back side of your body will receive the same kind of treatment that it received before for the Scratching Session, but this time with the soothing, gentle, loving touches of my soft fingertips instead of the scratching of my fingernails.


Now it is time to roll over yet again. Now the back side of your body will receive the same kind of treatment that it received before for the Scratching Session, but this time with the soothing, gentle, loving touches of my soft fingertips instead of the scratching of my fingernails. But this time we’ll add a bit of a twist. After being completely finished with the back side of your body, I will spend two or three minutes giving super gentle touches all over your butt, starting with several passes using ten fingertips, ending with several passes of just two fingertips that slowly slide down the crack toward the most intimate areas of your body!!”

Now the Third Session, the Fingertip Session, comes to a close. It is time to begin the Final Session of our time together – the Erotic Session.


Every woman will provide a body rub to at least one man during the course of her lifetime that includes a traditional Happy Ending using her hands. Gals on Backpage become "experts" at that type of Happy Ending. And in fact you have probably given yourself many Happy Endings!

Most gals follow one of two "techniques": 1. they ask the gentleman how he masturbates himself and they try to imitate his "technique", or: 2. they just use some sort of up and down "rub and tug" "technique". I emphasize the word "technique" because in reality most gals do not really follow any systematic process that could really be called a "technique".

I prefer to follow the "GEISHA GIRL" technique of providing a prolonged, erotic Happy Ending. The chances are pretty good you have never visited a real Geisha Girl in Japan and thus you probably have no idea of what I am talking about. I would love to provide a ten-page description of a proper Geisha Girl Happy Ending, but Backpage censors such descriptions very, very heavily so I cannot do so on Backpage. That is why I have created this Webpage. (In fact, I can not even use the words “Happy Ending”, “Head”, “Hands”, and many other simple words on Backpage because those words are censored!)

And I won't go into long detail over the phone to describe a Geisha Girl Happy Ending -- too many guys are simply trying to masturbate themselves while I give the description over the phone. So I will try to describe a Geisha Girl Happy Ending to you.

I offer two different kinds of Happy Endings: Traditional or Geisha.

For a Traditional American Happy Ending, I use my hands in exactly the same way that you use your hands when you provide your own Happy Ending to your own masturbation sessions. In order to do this, I will need to ask you how you do this part when you are by yourself! If you use your right hand when you pleasure yourself, then I’ll use my right hand standing at your right side so that my hand is in the same position your hand would be in. If you use up and down motions with pressure on the downward motion, I will do the same. If you add a twisting motion, so will I. Perhaps you can show me a stroke or two! I will try to do as you would do unto yourself!

For a Geisha Japanese Happy Ending, I use my hands in exactly the same way that the Geisha Girls of Japan use their hands when they provide Happy Endings to gentlemen. It is extremely unlikely that you know what this is – unless you have been to Japan!! This Geisha type of Happy Ending is radically different than a Traditional Happy Ending usually given in the United States.

A Geisha Girl spends a considerable amount of time and effort diligently applying different techniques of an exquisitely erotic and sensual nature to the most private part of your body in an intelligent, thoughtful manner. A Geisha Girl keeps 2 hands on the gentleman’s genitals at all times, with both hands doing different things.

Usually, one hand strokes the shaft of the penis in upward/downward motions, sometimes with a gentle twisting motion, and using various degrees of pressure. This hand may extend down and caress the testicles from time to time, as desired, but never extends upward enough to touch the head of the penis.

The other hand focuses solely on the head of the penis at all times. This hand explores the head of the penis much like your hand explores a clitoris and /or vagina – which is to say, with extreme interest! Sometimes the fingertips form a circle around the crest of the head, sometimes just one fingertip circles the crest. Sometimes the fingertips go up and down like an octopus. Sometimes the entire hand closes, using various degrees of pressure from time to time.

Then the unexpected element of playfulness enters in. You have probably played with a woman’s clitoris during the course of your lifetime. You have probably rubbed your fingers up and down, side to side. You have twisted it, pulled it, tugged it, and even strummed your fingers across it. You absolutely loved playing with that clitoris. Don’t you wish you had a woman who would absolutely love playing with your penis as much as you love playing with a clitoris?

As the moment for the ultimate explosion nears, the hand stroking the shaft of the penis increases pressure and intensity and speed, while the hand attending the head of the penis forms itself into the shape of a vaginal opening. Your penis will think it is pumping in and out of a vagina!

When you give yourself a Happy Ending, you probably follow the same exact routine each and every time, with no experimenting. You probably use the same hand in the same location using the same kind of stroke and the same amount of pressure. And when you visit a gal for a Happy Ending, she probably follows her own way of providing a Happy Ending – or perhaps asks you how you do it.

But it would be an extremely rare event for a woman to really, really focus her love and attention on your penis the way that you have loved and attended a clitoris!! And no matter how much you might want to lavish your own love and attentions on your own penis, you can not do so. It would never feel good! You can not tickle yourself. No one can. You can only be tickled by someone else. The same is true of what I am trying to describe! Only another person can give your penis the kind of love and attention I am describing!

And as good as that description may sound, I know this: you’ll have a lot of personal favorite things! So tell them to me. I want you to have the best Happy Ending you can possibly have!

I do not have a video that shows me providing a Happy Ending. But I have found a video that I like, so I'll give you the cite so you may watch for yourself:”


A lot of clients have asked me if the gal in the video is me. When I say it is not me, they ask for a description of the differences between her session and mine. This is how I respond:

No, that is not me in the video. That is an actress! Our sessions are similar, but different.


First, I deliver a professional massage for 60 minutes. I am trained. Second, I scratch the entire body for about 10 minutes. Third, I gently touch the entire body with gentle fingertip touches for about 10 minutes. I use three teases: strip tease, nipple tease, genital tease. I use two nondiscernible techniques: continuity, predictability. The gal in the video does not do those things. She does not do a strip tease -- she keeps her clothes on, I take mine off. She does not do a nipple tease. She does not do a genital tease -- she just grabs it with no teasing. She takes hands on and off and on and off -- I keep at least one hand on at all times. Where her hands will land after she takes them off is unpredictable!!! With me, you'll exactly what is coming next without me explaining!!


I include her video as an example of how a Happy Ending may involve traditional styles and / or geisha styles. She blends the two styles in alternating formats. I love the way she does that. [I do not like her lack of the teases, her lack of continuity, her lack of predictability, her general body rub technique.]

Another difference:

The gal in the video has a young man who is full of pep and energy. He is on his hands and knees the whole time, and he has a penis long enough to allow the gal to give it plenty of attention. In the real world, not many men have a penis that long, nor are most men comfortable in that position for that long of a period of time. I find that men are more comfortable lying on their backs with their penis staring straight up at the ceiling -- or me!

The Main Point:

The main point is that the gal in the video delivers a supremely wonderful Happy Ending. [Granted, the man in the video seems completely unaware of her presence – at least there is a successful ending.] The main point is that Happy Endings can be better than Great Sex if done in a creative, intelligent, artistic, thoughtful way!!




Perhaps you want a little more than just a Happy Ending. For advanced services, let's talk over the phone.



Okay, I did mention that this type of session takes some time, right? You came for pleasure, so why not maximize your pleasure? What could be more pleasurable than the session I have described above?

Let’s add one more element of pleasure: a hot towel compress. Let’s spread a hot, wet towel over the entire area and let it sit for a moment. Wind down. And size down! Then use the towel to wipe up the area! Has anyone ever lovingly tended you with hot towels? It is the fitting capstone to a fabulous body rub session!


I have a special piece of equipment called a “Towel Warmer” that provides hot, moist towels for this! Always good to have the right stuff! I am a professional and I have everything we need.

When we are finished, it is likely that we will both have lotions on our bodies. Would you like to take a shower? Feel free to enjoy a shower when we are done – or not! Your choice.

Then, let’s sit on the sofa for a few minutes and wind down. Let’s be best friends that see each other


I use three teases during the course of my time with you. These three teases are placed throughout the three sessions, popping up often here and there in random, unpredictable manners. These three teases are less noticeable, more subtle.


I try to recreate the great episodes. I know one thing for sure – the great ones need time!! Carly Simon sings “Anticipation” like a woman who knows what she is talking about!! She knows that the great episodes are those where the participants build up the anticipation over time. That is the first thing I do!

The first tease is a nonchalant strip tease. When I first enter, I’ll be dressed like a professional strip tease dancer – that is to say, I will have a lot of layers hiding my entire body! Over the course of time, I will remove these layers one by one until only my birthday suit remains!!

Usually, I’ll be dressed in three layers: a bra/panty outfit, a lingerie outfit over that, and a robe covering everything! You’ll be trying to see what lies under my outfit!! You’ll be anxious to see more. Alfred Hitchcock knew that a man’s mind is more active when his mind must imagine what lies beneath!

The total revelation is not needed. The mind is more excited by what it imagines than by what the eyes see. He was a master of suspense. I try to be! Yes, of course eventually your eyes will see absolutely everything without the obstruction of clothes. But that is eventually, not right now.

If every woman walked around completely naked, guys would get bored. The magic, the mystery would disappear. If I appeared at the door completely naked, the reality would not be as tantalizing as the suggestion. Have you ever been to a strip tease show? The beautiful woman does not first appear completely naked. Instead, she appears completely dressed. Then she proceeds to slowly remove articles of clothing over time! I like to do the same!! It has worked for thousands of years, so why try to change the system now!

Yes, eventually I will indeed have no clothes on whatsoever – just like you!!


At some point, I will be topless! Now a woman’s greatest weapon is present: nipples. I use these to erotically tease you by “accidentally” letting them gently touch various parts of your body as I lean over him, from time to time, in random places. Can you think of the times in your life when brushing up against a woman's breasts or nipples gave you a bit of a thrill?


At some point, many points actually, I will be in close proximity to your genitals! As I reach across your various body parts, I allow parts of my body (my hands, my elbows, my nipples) to “accidentally” graze across your genitals. I will let your penis become somewhat aroused from time to time, without direct attention! This is teasing! I may tease on a scale of 1 to 10, from a little to pure torture. I might ask him how much you like to be teased on that scale – or I just might assume you want to be teased to the point of pure torture!


These two elements transform a good body rub into a great body rub. My technique incorporates continuity and predictability. Continuity means that from the time my hands first touch your body to formally commence our session until the time I adjourn, my hands never, never, never leave your body (except to get hot towel compresses and to clean my hands after touching your feet). Every second of every minute of that time, at least one of my hands will be touching your body. Never will I break contact completely. [The only exception to this will be when I complete the rub of your feet, then I will wash my hands so that I do not spread bacteria from your feet to the other areas of your body; I will tell you that I am going to go wash my hands and you will know that I will only be a few feet away.]

This continuity is very, very important. When a lady breaks contact, the client is disrupted. He doesn’t know where she is going or how long she will be gone. In reality, she is just going to get more oil or to move to the other side of the table, but in his imagination he doesn’t know where he are going or what she will do next. Imagine eating a great meal at a fine restaurant. You don’t expect the waiter/waitress to just swing by and unexpectedly remove your plate after you’ve had just a few bites and then return it a few moments later! You would be shocked by that behavior. Not surprisingly, you would be just as shocked if I take my hands off your body for a few moments during a massage/rub. Your body will not be pleased at unexpected interruptions!

Predictability is almost as important as continuity. When I pay attention to your first arm/hand, your mind will subconsciously note the methodical sequence of events. I will then replay that same exact methodical sequence when I pay attention to your next arm/hand, then your first leg/foot, then your next leg/foot. Your mind will already know what is coming. When continuity and predictability combine, your body will relax faster and further than ever before. You will feel just like a baby in a car seat going for a gentle car ride. [Yes, you may indeed fall asleep.]

You probably won’t notice these two techniques. They are subtle and they are not intended to be conspicuous. They stay in the background. But they magnify the relaxation powers ten-fold. They transform a good body rub into a great body rub.


I am a woman who lives in the real world. In the real world, things are not as perfect as we would like them to be. In the real world, gentlemen sometimes have issues that prevent them from having as much fun as they would like to have, gentlemen have issues that diminish their performances. As men age, challenges may arise. The two main challenges that I have come across are Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) issues and Premature Ejaculation (P.E.) issues.

May I ask if you have any issues or challenges?

I have given these issues and challenges a lot of thought and a lot of research. It is easy to go to Google and type in the key words. Many articles appear, many from distinguished medical associations, journals, and organizations. The volume and the knowledge is very impressive. Of course, the medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies want you to believe that the cure is in a magic pill or potion.

I have my own ideas. I believe that sometimes the cure is in a woman's loving touch!



I know the leading causes of erectile dysfunction: diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, emotional issues, stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol, tobacco, prescription medications (esp. antidepressants, pain medicines, high blood pressure medicines, etc.), non-prescription drugs, fatigue, neurological or spinal-cord injuries, hypogonadism, low testosterone levels, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, radiation therapy, stroke, surgery or problems, bladder surgery, disease, injury, “any disorder that causes injury to the nerves or impairs blood flow in the penis”, etc. I like the first two articles that pop up:

Personally, I believe that having a non-helpful spouse should be listed along with the above medically-stated causes!!

So many gentlemen with performance issues have visited me that I have decided to provide myself with a thorough understanding of the causes and the cures, so that when someone with an issue visits me I will already know what to do!!

Of course, YOU are the starting point. When you come to visit me, YOU should do a little research and perform a little thinking yourself. Try to discover possible reasons. If prescription medications are the likely cause, ask you doctor if you can delay your daily medications until AFTER you visit me that day. Do not use ANY alcohol for 49 hours BEFORE visiting me. Do not smoke until AFTER you visit me that day.

Once you arrive at my door (or I arrive at yours), I’ll take over. I know that making fun has more than one component. From my viewpoint, there are two main components: the emotional and the physical.

From a medical viewpoint, “Erection begins with sensory or mental stimulation, or both. Impulses from the neurological center and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernose to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand. The tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, thereby sustaining [the enlargement]. When muscles in the penis contract to stop the inflow of blood and open outflow channels, [the enlargement] is reversed.”

I can not cure physical problems. But I can usually treat the main symptom -- the performance issue -- to the point of satisfaction!! I can do that through a combination of emotional responses combined with physical adjustments. I’ll explain what I do below.

It would be very possible for a man of 18 -- you when you were 18 perhaps -- to walk down a street, see a gorgeous woman with a beautiful face and a perfect figure -- and if asked by her to step into her house and make her wildly, passionately satisfied be able to do so within a few seconds!!! men have no problem needing emotional excitement to generate physical enlargement and performance!! But older men are a bit different. Older men often need an emotional component as well as the physical attraction -- and time!! A man can jump into the sack on a moment's notice and perform with Olympic heroics; an older man often needs emotional attraction AND more time.

Would I believe that you could walk through my door, take one look at me, get an immediate enlargement and be finished within 2 minutes? NO WAY!!

Instead, consider this scenario. We set up a time to meet at my place. You are excited; you bring chocolates and roses, maybe some scented candles to add an aromatic touch to our session! We sit and talk for a few minutes to get to know each other, but just as important you have an opportunity to take notice of my large cleavage. You sneak peeks when you think I'm not looking. You get fantasies in your mind.

We sit on the sofa and we do what you probably did as a man, you can group, fondle, explore. That is a key to success that will follow later!

When the time is right, you lie down on your back. I'll give you about an hour and a half of tender, loving body rubs. Then I'll take notice of the last frontier!! Perhaps a quarter hour or a hour of paying attention there!! But not with direct touches – but rather, with touches nearby that are near-misses.

With this much emotional and physical stimulation, he should rise to life. If the emotional and physical stimulation don't cause him to rise to life, then several different tactics must be employed. We'll have to elevate our efforts to the next level(s). A bit like fighting a battle!! One level may be stimulation of the part inside the male body, the one that causes such troubles for gentlemen, the one most likely to develop cancer. Just look at the drawing in the article cited above and you’ll know which part I mean. More levels may be needed. But I'll save the details of those until later.

My view is rather simple: view this as a major conquest, just as you did when you were a man. You have seduced women before.You had the right stuff. The key now is to act like the man you once were -- go back and have that romance, that seduction, that conquest. the way you made love as a man.

Do not visit me if you are in a hurry. That will never work for you. It does not work for other men who have gained a few years. IT DOES NOT WORK FOR ME EITHER!

Time is one key ingredient. An emotional attraction is a second key ingredient. A physical attraction is a third key ingredient. And sensory stimulation -- gentle lighting by candlelight; soft romantic music; good food; pleasant fragrances on me and in the room; soft, delicate touches of soft skin on skin -- is a fourth key ingredient. I provide all of those!

I would suggest that we make a long afternoon or evening of our time together. If you are having a challenge, let’s beat it. Let’s give the absolute best attempt possible! In my view, I’m thinking about 2 hours. You are old enough to remember when you spent that many hours on a major conquest as a man! In the old days, the recipe was similar: take a lady to a nice dinner, then a movie (perhaps a double feature!], then walk her home [and hope for an invitation inside].

E.D. is a tough disease. When you visit a gal, visit one who is prepared to give you a long, long session of about 2 hours, filled with the anticipation, the romance, the passion of young lovers. That is the only effective treatment!!!

I think the meds slow down your chances of success, so I suggest not taking them if it will not cause a life-threatening situation. No man is ever bored with himself -- it cannot happen. Therefore, the cause of your problems is definitely physical in nature. For that, the Cialis may help, so yes, I would suggest that. But really the most important consideration is time -- a long, gentle teasing of the entire body.

What is time the cure for E.D.? I have this theory. An erection is caused by a strong flow of blood into the penis. Basically, the brain tells the right valves to open and tells the heart to pump blood into the penis. It is much like making a water balloon -- fill the expandable object with liquid and the object expands and thus becomes bigger.

When the heart cannot pump blood into the penis, the penis cannot enlarge. Time solves this problem by allowing the heart to pump blood into the penis at a slow rate. Whether you fill a water balloon with a pre-determined amount of water in 10 seconds or in 10 minutes has no relationship to the ultimate success of the filling process. Once you have pumped that pre-determined amount of water into the balloon, the balloon is inflated to the desired size. The same is true of filling the penis -- if the heart is not capable of filling the penis in 1 minute, yet the heart may be capable of filling the penis in 1 hour.

I have been doing this a while. I just don't think there is a penis in the world that cannot perform if given enough time. Yes, for some men 1 minute is plenty of time. For others, it may take 2 hours. Time is the sole key to success.

Obviously, every man's heart works! If not, the man would die instantly. So of course the heart is strong enough to do the job! But some hearts are definitely weak, and need more time to get the job done. If you have ever pumped water out of a boat or pumped anything anywhere you'll know that some pumps are more efficient than others. But even the weakest pump can get the entire job done if given enough time.

The other consideration is the physical stimulation of every cutaneous cell on the body!! The scratching session is designed to stimulate the middle layer of skin. The gentle fingertip session is designed to stimulate the outer layer of skin. (The therapeutic session is designed to relax the muscles of the body.) This extreme stimulation also seems to add to the success rate! Simply put, the human body reacts well to this pleasurable physical stimulation!!!!

Well, that's my personal theory based on a lifetime of stimulating penises. I have personally probably stimulated more penises than all the penis researchers of the world!! I am at ground zero of penis research. I am where the road meets the rubber, so to speak. I live it. I consider myself more of a leading authority on the subject of penises than the top penis doctors of the world!!!

Medical professionals have their theories too. Here is a link to an advertisement that has some basic language about E.D.:

Here is some language from that advertisement that serves as a good introduction to what I have to say:

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the repeated inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance1. It occurs in 15 to 30 million men in the United States. Incidence of ED increases with age but can be successfully treated.”

How does an Erection Occur?

The process of an erection is complex and intricate. The sequence of an erection starts with a stimulus, either physical or mental, that is received in the brain. The brain sends a signal through the nerves to the penis causing relaxation of the penile blood vessels. Relaxation of the blood vessels allows blood to flow into the penis. There is high pressure in the penis that traps the blood in the corpora carvenosum causing a sustained erection. The corporus carvenosum is two parallel columns of erectile tissue that forms the body of the penis.

What Causes ED?

ED can be caused by many different factors. Problems are classified as psychological, physical or both. Psychological problems result in 10-20% of all cases. They include stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem and indifference. These patients often fail to respond to psychogenic stimuli. Physical problems account for the majority of cases. Any condition that results in the breakdown of the sequence of events that causes an erection can lead to ED. The most common diseases that cause ED are listed and include diabetes, kidney disease, neurological disease, vascular disease, and malignancies.

-Peripheral vascular disease, arthrosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and hypertension (high blood pressure) compromises blood flow to penis.

-Spinal cord injury or stroke impairs nerve conduction to the brain

-Diabetes impairs peripheral nerve conduction to the penis

ED can also be caused by medications and is known as medication induced ED. There are over 200 possible medications that can alter the ability to have an erection. Possible medications include those listed in the table below. Please consult your physician prior to discontinuing any medication listed. [List Omitted by me]

Diagnosis of ED

A doctor will do a thorough examination that will include the following: medical/ sexual history, medication history, surgical history, physical exam, blood work, and an international index of ED questionnaire that will assess quality of erectile function and sexual intercourse.”


Well, I like that basic introduction to the topic of E.D. I do not use the international index of ED questionnaire to assess the quality of erectile function. I use a more simplified analysis.

I think there is an easier way to determine whether the problem is a physical problem or an emotional problem. I have my own questionnaire. I would like to start by asking some questions. First, when you pleasure yourself, do you have this issue? If you can masturbate yourself successfully and not have the issue that you have when you are with your wife, then the problem is emotional -- your wife just doesn't thrill you anymore after some 25,000 episodes (more or less) of identical love-making. But if you do have this issue when you are by yourself, then the problem is physical.

If the issue is purely emotional, then I am indeed a good solution to your problem! For that matter, a gorgeous young woman who is willing to take the time and energy to treat you as a wonderful sex object would be a good solution. Emotional issues are rather easily solved. If the issue is purely physical, then I am a partial solution. You might visit me and have a great time, once, twice, even several times. But that's just because of pure physical attraction. Eventually, you'll need to treat the underlying issues.

For emotional problems, I am a complete cure. And a fun cure at that!

Do you know of any physical problems that might be causing E.D.? Do you have any heart problems? Do you have any diseases that might cause E.D., like diabetes, Parkinson’s, Prostate, Alzheimer’s, or others? Do you take any prescription medications? Have you tried any drug treatments for E.D. such as Viagra, Cialis, etc.?

For physical problems, I am a fun treatment, not a true cure! In even the most challenging and daunting of circumstances, I successfully meet our third goal of having a male orgasm in nearly 100% of my clients (patients!).

I have faced similar challenges in the past. I understand the nature of the challenge and I think I have developed a comprehensive battle plan. I am a fully ready, willing and able partner!

When you are ready to tackle this challenge with me, write to me to tell me when a good day would be or call me. Because our time together is likely to extend for a long period, you should call me a few days in advance. This is going to consume a large chunk of my day and also a large chunk of your day. Clear your calendar and I'll clear mine!

Hopefully, I will soon chalk up another notch on my E.D. belt!!! See you soon!


This is what the Mayo Clinic website has to say about Premature Ejaculation [Quotes from this site:]:

“Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. Estimates vary, but as many as 1 out of 3 men say they experience this problem at some time. As long as it happens infrequently, it's not cause for concern.


“However, you may meet the diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation if you:

  • Always or nearly always ejaculate within one minute of penetration

  • Are unable to delay ejaculation during intercourse all or nearly all of the time

  • Feel distressed and frustrated, and tend to avoid sexual intimacy as a result


“Both psychological and biological factors can play a role in premature ejaculation. Although many men feel embarrassed to talk about it, premature ejaculation is a common and treatable condition. Medications, counseling and sexual techniques that delay ejaculation — or a combination of these — can help improve sex for you and your partner.

“The primary symptom of premature ejaculation is the inability to delay ejaculation for more than one minute after penetration. However, the problem may occur in all sexual situations, even during masturbation.

“Premature ejaculation can be classified as lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary). Lifelong premature ejaculation occurs all or nearly all of the time beginning with your first sexual encounters. Acquired premature ejaculation has the same symptoms but develops after you've had previous sexual experiences without ejaculatory problems.

“Many men feel that they have symptoms of premature ejaculation, but the symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation. Instead these may have natural variable premature ejaculation, which is characterized by periods of rapid ejaculation as well as periods of normal ejaculation.

“The exact cause of premature ejaculation isn't known. While it was once thought to be only psychological, doctors now know premature ejaculation is more complicated and involves a complex interaction of psychological and biological factors.


“Psychological causes

“Some doctors believe that early sexual experiences may establish a pattern that can be difficult to change later in life, such as:

  • Situations in which you may have hurried to reach climax in order to avoid being discovered

  • Guilty feelings that increase your tendency to rush through sexual encounters


“Other factors that can play a role in causing premature ejaculation include:

  • Erectile dysfunction. Men who are anxious about obtaining or maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse may form a pattern of rushing to ejaculate, which can be difficult to change.

  • Anxiety. Many men with premature ejaculation also have problems with anxiety — either specifically about sexual performance or related to other issues.

  • Relationship problems. If you have had satisfying sexual relationships with other partners in which premature ejaculation happened infrequently or not at all, it's possible that interpersonal issues between you and your current partner are contributing to the problem.

“Biological causes

A number of biological factors may contribute to premature ejaculation, including:

  • Abnormal hormone levels

  • Abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters

  • Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system

  • Certain thyroid problems

  • Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra

  • Inherited traits

  • Nerve damage from surgery or trauma (rare)


“Risk factors

“Various factors can increase your risk of premature ejaculation, including:

  • Erectile dysfunction. You may be at increased risk of premature ejaculation if you occasionally or consistently have trouble getting or maintaining an erection. Fear of losing your erection may cause you to consciously or unconsciously hurry through sexual encounters.

  • Health problems. If you have a serious or chronic medical condition, such as heart disease, you may feel anxious during sex and may unknowingly rush to ejaculate.

  • Stress. Emotional or mental strain in any area of your life can play a role in premature ejaculation, often limiting your ability to relax and focus during sexual encounters.”


As with Erectile Dysfunction, I am a big believer in taking my time to help overcome Premature Ejaculation issues. Sometimes I think a good strategy is to have a very, very immediate Happy Ending upon arrival, then having our session after that, and leading to a second Ending later, at the usual time. Let me know your thoughts.


Please let me explain why I think I might be a good companion for you. First, I am mature and beautiful and I have a perfect body. I have unblemished, perfect skin – silky smooth, wonderful to the touch. If you want to spend time with a woman, you might as well spend it with a beautiful mature woman with a great body and flawless skin!

Second, I am a mature woman. You have probably had sessions with service providers much younger than I am. You probably did not enjoy your time with the much younger service providers. There are several reasons for that. First, she has no sincere interest in you – other than your wallet. She is perfectly happy if you pay her and leave in 5 minutes!! If she never sees you again, she’ll be quite content with that. Second, most of the younger service providers are jaded. They see older men as all being dirty old men and you are just one more to them. You will not like their jaded, cold, emotionless treatment of you as just another “John”. Third, younger  service providers have secret agendas – drugs, booze, boyfriends, they have a negative attitude toward men, they are self-absorbed, etc. People in a like age range have similar backgrounds and experiences and outlooks.

Third, I have a great body and plenty of energy. If you want to run on the beach, I can keep up with you. No creaky knees, no arthritis, no whining and complaining!! I am an athlete!

Fourth, I am completely “normal” – no issues with alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, mental issues, spiritual issues; no hang-ups! No drugs for depression, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, etc.!! And I am healthy! No middle-aged diseases, no diseases of any age!

Fifth, I have a great attitude. I want to join you for a fun adventure that we will both enjoy immensely! I am still young and enthusiastic, not at all jaded!! To me, you are a man, not a “John”.

Sixth, you can have a great time without feeling guilty afterward. You can return home with a clear conscience and with absolutely no possibility of taking home some strange disease! I am meticulously clean and I am disease and drug and alcohol.

Seventh, I offer something that no one else can offer. And that is my one-of-a-kind personality. I am a very real person, as you will discover! I am playful and sensual as well, and you will discover that as soon as you call me – yes, that part of my personality reveals itself immediately on the phone! I am sensual, seductive, and very sexy.

Eighth, I am the only gal in the area who provides this exquisitely, wonderfully sensuous type of body rub session! No one else can even describe in more than 1 sentence what they do, let alone actually do it! Ask any gal to email to you a detailed explanation of what they do during a typical session; do you receive more than a one-sentence reply?



Let's look at this issue from two perspectives. First Perspective: I have 43 reviews on TER (TheEroticReview.Com). My TER ID number is 13329. I have very very favorable reviews. My reviews go back many years. . So you will not need to have any nervous hesitation about seeing me. I am the real deal!!

Second Perspective:

I have done many body rubs for athletes, construction workers, and physically active people with extremely sore muscles, as well as to many professional and executive types who have no sore muscles. I give light tissue body rubs, with a scratching session and a gentle fingertip session. This is radically different than the types of deep tissue massages that professional, licensed massage therapists provide.


But my session is actually better than the greatest deep tissue massage could ever hope to be!! Let me explain why.


Deep tissue massage uses force to relax the muscles. The body’s natural inclination is to resist force, so more force must be used. But I use the body as an ally to relax the muscles and to heal itself.


The human body has a nearly endless potential to relax its muscles and to heal itself. Sometimes a human body can even beat cancer without medical treatment. Just give the human body enough time and it will heal many illnesses by itself. That is why sleep is so very important. The human body relaxes its muscles and does most of its repairs during sleep. Researchers now say that if you want to lose weight you should sleep more!


Sleep is a great natural healer. Sleep does everything for the human body. Sleep enough and every muscles is perfectly relaxed and great healing takes place.  Why is sleep so effective? Because during sleep the human body can relax fully and concentrate on healing itself! When we wake up, our muscles our 100% relaxed and we are fresh and ready to roll.


If a football player develops extremely sore muscles during the course of a long game, the best way to relax those muscles would likely be to sleep for eight hours. But sleeping for eight hours is not always practical, so football players need a faster solution. And that solution traditionally has been a deep tissue massage. A deep tissue massage forces the human body’s muscles to relax during the course of just one hour instead of eight hours. Basically, you are cramming eight hours into one hour. A deep tissue massage uses force, and the body resists force.


My session is designed to allow the human body the time to relax so it can heal itself. And I do that over a period of either 2 hours. It has come as a shock to me to learn that the human body will more fully relax the muscles over a 2 to 3 hour period with my light tissue massage followed by my scratching session ending with my feather-light, gentle fingertip touching than it will with a 1 hour deep tissue massage. My session does not cram down the sore muscles; rather, it allows the body to gently do naturally what it does best: relax the muscles slowly and evenly over the course of time.


In short, my three-part session more effectively relaxes sore muscles than a one-hour deep tissue massage. My session uses the body as an ally over two to three hours instead of trying to cram down sore muscles in an unrealistic period of one hour. And even better than that, my session satisfies one of the human body’s most primary needs: the need to be touched by another human being!


Being scratched over 100% of the body for a long time is great. Being gently touched over 100% of the body for a long time is truly heavenly. We all need to be touched. From the earliest age on, we all need to be touched. It is a need as basic as our needs for air, water, food, shelter, and clothing.



I could write many pages about the need to be touched. I’ll simplify into a few basic thoughts. When human babies are given food, water, air, clean clothes, good shelter, but not touched they develop life-long mental illnesses that alienate them from human society. This was first noticed in the Romanian Orphanage cases. A simple “Google” search for “Romanian Orphans” pulls up many articles on the subject. Here is one: Here are four of the paragraphs from this article which illustrate the importance of being touched:


“Cognitive ability and psychological well-being correlate directly with the amount of attention and nurturing children receive when they are young, according to recent research that includes studies of Romanian institutions.


“Everything from brain size to intellectual prowess to the ability to form emotional bonds to staying focused on a job is improved when children receive attention, are held and read to, experts say.


“Romania’s communist-era orphans got next to none of this. As a result, they suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychiatric illnesses and bipolar disorder, Aronson said.


“They also had the most severe reactive attachment disorder she has seen anywhere. ‘It is a pathologic and psychiatric diagnosis where an individual person, a child in this case, would be unable to have affectional connection to an adult, to a parent, incapable of exchange of love.’’


A lot of research has been done on the topic of “severe reactive attachment disorder”. But the research focuses on the need for touching by babies. The research neglects the need for touching by adults. But we all know how much we love to be touched gently and lovingly; what we do not fully understand is the literal need to be touched.


But the human body itself knows what it needs. When our body needs water, it tells us that we are thirsty and so we get something to drink. When our body needs sustenance, it tells us we are hungry and so we eat. Our body tells us when we are too cold, too hot, or too much of anything. In fact, scientists believe our body can even direct us to specific nutrients that it needs. The word is “moreishness”. This is a food craving – when our body needs sodium, it tells us to eat salty food. When our body needs chromium, it tells us to eat sugary foods. When our body needs iron or zinc, it tells us to eat meat. Here is a good article on the subject: Here are some paragraphs from that article:      


“What do your food cravings say about you? From chocolate to sweets, meat to stodgy carbs, they can provide crucial clues about your health


Cravings are the body's way of telling us it is missing out on something


While you might crave something sweet, your body is really lacking the mineral chromium which can be found in beef, kidney, carrots and broccoli


An undeniable urge for a bar of chocolate is your body's way of saying it needs more magnesium - also found in tuna, mackerel and wild salmon


And when your body needs to be touched, it tells you to come visit me!!! Your body knows when it has a touch deficiency just as surely as it knows when it has a chromium or magnesium deficiency!! And my three-part session is just the solution to your touch deficiency.


How good is my session? It is great, great, great! It relaxes the muscles of your body more effectively than traditional deep tissue massage and it satisfies your body’s need for human touch! 


The best way to contact me is to send an email to me at




When you send an email to me, please include this information: your first name, your age, your general occupation, and an idea of which type of session (body rub with Happy Ending, American Traditional or Japanese Geisha; body rub with Escort Ending). After we have exchanged emails, I will ask you for a phone number to your cell phone. We can pick a day and time to meet. I will call you at an agreed-upon, preset time to talk to you and to get directions.


I will need a way to screen you. There are several different ways to do this.

First you can provide your REAL NAME, phone number and your profile name(s) on any hobby forum and include what forum you are a member of; Or, . 


Second, you can send to me your employment information, which can be an email from your official work acct with your name in the signature) or I can call your place of employment and talk with you. Please note: I have to be able to verify this as an actual business.  Cell phones and home phones are not acceptable; Or,


Third, you can provide 2 upscale provider references. I will need to be able to see their current ads and reviews of them on TER.



I have been in this business many years -- I know how to be discreet.





I entertain from my home, located near the intersection of Palmetto Park Road and Lyons Road in Boca Raton. .



The following information is provided in accordance with client disclosure requirements. I am not a licensed physician. The treatment provided is an alternative to or is complimentary to healing arts services licensed by the State. The services provided are not regulated by the State. Services provided are for relation therapy, which may include application of one or more of the following: aroma therapy, sound therapy, herbal treatments, touch therapy, and prostate massage. This treatment is based upon the theory that stress causes and intensifies symptoms of physical ailments and a person heals more quickly and effectively when relaxed. Each treatment is tailored to the individual client in order to help the client relax to the greatest extent possible. I have made a lifelong, independent study of energy flow (chi) within the body. I have over 2 years experience in applying the various modalities to help clients achieve a state of relaxation.

This is not ad for prostitution. The services advertised are for alternative or complimentary health care. The service provider is not licensed as a healing arts practitioner.

NOTE: Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which I ask for a donation for my time. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of choice between consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service. I do not provide any "extra" services above what I describe herein -- I do not offer any illegal services or prostitution services. I do not allow any type of drug use whatsoever!!

I ask for a donation based solely as a voluntary donation made in exchange for time, not for specific services.


Body Rub With Happy Ending (American Traditional or Japanese Geisha or a Combination):


$300 for two hours

Advanced Services:

We can discuss donations for advanced services over the phone.


Over the years, I have created other websites. If you go on TER, you will find links to them. You may notice that my other websites give y phone number. I ask that you not call me, but email, as directed below. If you call me, I will expect the rates posted in my websites which give my phone number. Those rates are far higher than the rates I post in this website. In this website, I provide more time at far lower rates.

I would like to stress this: Please send an email to me, do not call me. My email rates are about one half as much as my telephone call rates!!  If you call, the telephone call rates will apply.


I am available on this schedule:


Monday through Friday, from about 10 am until about 8 pm. Sometimes on a Saturday, never on a Sunday.



I like this quote: "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of the low price is forgotten." My philosophy is simple: pay enough to get what you really want because not getting what you really want isn't really worth anything! Gentlemen have told me their complaints about seeing a young woman for a low price, then feeling ripped out that they were shoved out the door in 10 minutes!


What were they thinking? A middle aged gentleman should see a middle aged lady. And should spend as much time pursuing her as he did pursuing his first date when he was a young man! You have probably had experiences already where you spent $80 expecting a full hour of attention, only to be rushed out the door in 10 minutes. You felt you didn’t get what you paid for, right? It is better to pay enough to get what you really want than to pay too little for something you really didn’t want at all.

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